In collaboration with Lambeth and Southwark Libraries
Privacy Notice
Utopia Now is a research project based at King’s College London. We want to find out more about about the kind of society that young people want to live in by. This project invites young people from Southwark and Lambeth to share their hopes and fears for the future through a series of arts-facilitated workshops and activities. During the summer of 2020, we will invite people of all ages to engage in conversations about the future techno-health. We want to hear what would make the world a better place for them.
We process your personal information so that we can register and select participants for our workshops, activities and events (which are available a first-come first-served basis), and so that we can contact the successful and unsuccessful applicants and to let them know the outcome, or provide further information on activities and events.
If you participate in one of our workshops or activities, we will process data collected from the activity as outlined in the relevant information and consent sheet.
What is our ‘legal basis for processing’?
Data protection legislation allows us to use your personal information in this way because it is required to deliver an agreement (a ‘contract’) we have with you. In other words, you provide us with information that we need to process in order to consider you for the activity or event, and then to let you know whether you have been successful or not in obtaining a place and the results of this study.
How do we use this data and how do we keep it secure?
Information will be used and stored in accordance with data protection laws and other applicable legislation.
Application forms that are received electronically will be stored securely on the University’s server (telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, postal addresses, and consent forms) in a password-protected and encrypted online storage repository; applications received in hard copy will be stored in in locked and secure physical repositories such as locked cabinets in a research office which requires a staff ID card to enter.
After the project has ended on September 30th 2020, we will only contact you about the results of this study and personal data will only be shared within the research team, and not with third parties.
Your rights
To find out more about how the university deals with your personal information, including your rights and who to contact if you have a concern, please see the university’s core privacy notice.
You have a right to a copy of the data held about you by us. You also have the right to opt out. Please also see information sheets for individual workshops and activities for further information.