In collaboration with Lambeth and Southwark Libraries
Utopia Now
A research project based at King’s College London exploring young people's hopes and fears for the future through a series of arts-facilitated workshops and activities
Utopia Now! is a research project based at King’s College London. We want to find out more about the kind of society that young people want to live in. 
King’s College London’s (KCL) Strategic Vision is to “make the world a better place”. As social scientists at the university we are concerned that researchers are working on topics such as robotics, artificial intelligence, and genetics which will drastically change the world in which we live. This research is often done without asking people outside of the university what they want the world to look like.
Building on young climate activists claim that they “are the future”, this project invites young people from Lambeth and Southwark to share their hopes and fears for the future through creative workshops and activities.  We want to hear what would make the world a better place for young people, and then work with scientists and academics to incorporate these ideas and concerns into research.
We invite researchers, young people, and anyone who is interested, to explore young people’s creative work to date, which you can find on the pages of this site, and in our new zine​.
This project is funded by King's College London.
Read the plays about the future produced by young people in our drama workshop series with Theatre Peckham.
Read our sci-fi short story anthology 'One Day in 2070', written by finalists in our competition with Lambeth and Southwark Libraries.
Future Streets

Watch the series of films exploring the future, produced by a South London Pupil Referral Unit.
Utopia Now!
Showcase & Zine Launch
Jul 28| 17:00- 19:00
Theatre Peckham
Join us for a free spoken word, multi-media showcase and the launch of our zines to hear what young people in South London have to say about the future!
Utopia Now!
The Exhibition
Jul 26 - 29 Oct|Mon - Tues
Science Gallery
Explore our free multi-media exhibition about young people's hopes and fears for the future!