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Research & Publications

Our latest research publications and media

Creative Publications


Utopia Now Zine (2022)


Dystopia Now Zine (2022)


Academic Publications


Cowan, H., Kühlbrandt, C., Riazuddin, H., Polidore-Perrins, O., Batesa, D., & Swinburne, B. (2021). From Utopia Now to Dystopia Now: Co-producing knowledge about young people’s hopes and fears for the future. In Williams O., Tembo D., Ocloo J., Kaur M., Hickey G., Farr M., et al. (Eds.),COVID-19 and Co-production in Health and Social Care Research, Policy, and Practice: Volume 2: Co-production Methods and Working Together at a Distance (pp. 147-154). Bristol: Bristol University Press. 


Cowan, H., Kühlbrandt, C., & Riazuddin, H. Reordering the machinery of participation with young people. Sociology of Health & Illness. 2022; 00: 1– 16.



Blogs & Podcasts


QUAHRC Methods Podcast: Engaging Young People Podcast: Clair Le Boutillier chats with Dr Charlottle Kühlbrandt and Dr Hannah Cowan, both based in the Department of Population Health Sciences, about their work on Utopia Now. Listen now


Qualitative Applied Health Research Centre interview: Meet the Qualitative Researcher: Hannah Cowan. Read the interview


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